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With COVID Labor Market Inequality Has Grown Worldwide

Image of The new hazardous jobs and worker reallocation

Vincenzo Galasso, in a research for the COVID Crisis Lab, had already shown that the cost of the COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately hit the weakest segments of the labor market.

Today another study of his, carried out with Martial Foucault of Sciences Po-Paris, as part of an international project that includes 12 countries (REPEAT - REpresentations, PErceptions and ATtitudes on the COVID-19) confirms on a global scale the disparities observed for Italy.

The Paper: Martial Foucault, Vincenzo Galasso, “Working after COVID-19: Cross Country Evidence from Real-Time Survey Data", Sciences Po Publications 9. 

17.06.2020 Bocconi Knowledge | "With COVID Labor Market Inequality Has Grown Worldwide